In line with the needs of our customers and the market, we have specialized in analyzing the legal aspects presented by the constant development of new information technologies. In that sense, we work on the following aspects.
In line with the needs of our customers and the market, we have specialized in analyzing the legal aspects presented by the constant development of new information technologies. In that sense, we work on the following aspects.
Advice on the legal aspects of the business. Angel investors and Venture Capital structuring. “Sociedades Anónimas Simplificadas”
We advise our clients in the development and/contracting of new products and informatic services, mobile apps, cloud computing, predictive algorithms, payment platforms and Software as a Service. Legal protection of software. Work deposit.
We advise on the structuring and registration of database, registration of videos and phone communications. We provide assistance in cases of intrusion of systems and information theft.
We protect your intermediary or advertising profile, advising you on the scope of its legal obligations.
We advise our clients on dispute processes before the National Office of the Registry of Internet Domains.