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  • Guillermo A. Fretes - 1
  • Guillermo A. Fretes - 2
  • Guillermo A. Fretes - 3

Guillermo A. Fretes is a Lawyer graduated from University of Buenos Aires (1973). With an extensive expirience, he has specialized, mainly, in the capital market, finance and business law.

He served as ViceChair of the National Securities Commission´s Board (1996-2000), representing the Argentine Republic in that capacity at meetings of IOSCO, COSRA and SubGroup 4 Mercosur.

He has been member of the Board of Caja de Valores S.A. (1989-1996), acting as liaison with international clearing houses such as Clearstream, Euroclear, Depository Trust Company (USA), Bovespa and Santiago Stock Exchange, being in charge of the design of the CVSA accounts´ opening in the three first clearing entities and their regulatory structure. CVSA was the first Latin American securities depository to have direct accounts with these clearing houses and depositories.

He intervened as legal adviser to Caja de Valores S.A. in the design of the local legal structure of the Guaranteed Loan Exchange of the Argentine Republic (PG) for different bonds of the Sovereign Public Debt in December 2001 for an amount of approximately US $ 24 billion, constituting a Guarantee Trust for that PG and also in the exchange of External Public Debt of the Argentine Republic for approximately 90 billion US dollars in the year 2005 and in the exchange of the year 2010.

Guillermo was a member of the drafting commission of Delegate Decree No. 677/2001 on Transparency in Public Offering and Good Corporate Governance, which was the framework of the legal regime of the Argentine capital market until the enactment of Law 26.831 in 2013.

In his career as a partner in the renowned firms "Zaefferer Toro, Fretes & Blanco" and "Fretes & Arieu", he has participated in the drafting and negotiation of financing contracts with multilateral credit organizations such as the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank , International Financial Corporation (IFC) and the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC), and also with international private banks.

As a member of the aforementioned firms, he has advised leading companies and banks in our country and abroad.


He has been a member of the Securities Committe of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange (1987-1996) and has been a consultant in matters of capital markets for the republics of Ecuador, Paraguay, Ukraine and Uruguay. He has also intervened in the Latin American chapter of the OECD for the development of recommendations for the region on good corporate governance, participating in the drafting of his "White paper" after the several meetings held in the first decade of 2000. Guillermo was a member of the drafting commission of Delegate Decree No. 677/2001 on Transparency in Public Offering and Good Corporate Governance, which was the framework of the legal regime of the Argentine capital market until the enactment of Law 26,831 in 2013 . He was a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration of the Bar Association of Buenos Aires City and member of the Business Law Commission and of the Legislation Commission of Financial Entities, Exchanges and Markets, of that entity. He has been a member of the Panel of Arbitrators(2004) of the International Chamber of Commerce and alternate arbitrator of the General Arbitration Court of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange (1991-1999).

Academy activities

Regarding the academic activities, Guillermo Fretes has been holder of the Chair of Economics II in Law School at U.B.A. (1977-1980) and Associate Professor of Commercial Law II (Banking commercial contracts and public offer) Law School at University of Salvador (1986-1992).


Spanish and English

Guillermo A. Fretes

Senior Partner


Nicolas Grinenco



  54-011) 4313-8856 Rotative lines

  25 de Mayo 460, 4°, City of Buenos Aires, Zip Code: C1002ABJ